Green and Nordic Network illallinen ja seminaari

  • pe-la
  • Helsinki

Perjantai 27.9. illallinen klo 19.30

Ravintola 10. Kerros, Hotelli Vaakuna, osoitteessa Kaivokatu 3 A, 10.krs, 00100 Helsinki. Illallinen on omakustanteinen.

Friday 27th of September, Dinner at 7.30 p.m.

Restaurant 10. Kerros (10th floor) operating on the roof of Hotel Vaakuna, address  Kaivokatu 3 A, 10.krs, 00100 Helsinki. Dinner is self-paid.


Lauantai 28.9. seminaari klo 9.30-13.30 

Saturday 28th of September, Seminar at 9.30 a.m. - 1.30 p.m.

The venue: In the Salus building of the Jenny and Antti Wihuri fund ,  Kaivopuisto, Helsinki. Address: Kalliolinnantie 4, 00140 Helsinki

9.30 opening of the Seminar, welcome speeches from Coordinator of BPW Europe Anu Viks and  President of BPW Finland Anne Gustafson-Pesonen

Launch of the Nordic Network

10.00 Call for Green Ambassadors Project - Siiri Tiivits-Puttonen Chair of the Green and Sustainable Task Force

11.00 Plastic in our environment - Kai Klein BPW Estonia

11.30 Speech of a Finnish entrepreneur -  Taina Tukiainen Entrepreneur, Professor of International Entrepreneurship  and Sustainable Development.

12.00 Workshops


Lauantai 28.9. lounas klo 14.00

Saturday 28th of September, Lunch at 2 p.m.

Lounas (omakustanteinen), Ravintola Story, Vanha Kauppahalli, Eteläranta, 00130 Helsinki

Lunch (self-paid), Restaurant Story, Vanha Kauppahalli, Eteläranta, 00130 Helsinki


Ilmoittautuminen Green and Nordic Network seminaariin

Registration for the Green and Nordic Network seminar

Ilmoittautuminen seminaariin on avoinna. Ilmoittautumiset illalliselle ja lounaalle ovat päättyneet 20.9.24

Osallistun / I will attend